Friday, April 6, 2012

Lord of the New--A Ressurection Day Post

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge this season of Spring and what my God did....He died. But He did so much more...
He defeated sin and death. He overcame it...and did the impossible....He rose again! He rose again!! My God lives!!!
And now He is making everything new.

There is a lot I could say--right now God has been pressing on my heart the importance of new....the concept of being made new. A fresh beginning. Spring is the very season of the perpetual winter winds giveway to a new sunrise and the earth comes alive with flowers, the world is screaming "new"! And God is beckoning us to the new as well. In our hearts, the gentle cry of a Savior who loved us so much, He died for us...and lives for us...calls us to Him. He longs to make us new, to take away the sin, the guilt, the baggage we are carrying, and make our heart like Him.

And this Ressurection weekend I am saying "yes" to His wooing; "yes" to His beckoning...and embracing the grace, the love and letting Him be Lord of the New.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I want to know what a holiday REALLY means I know I can come to your blog and you can give people an idea of how it really is from a Christian's perspective!!:) Love your posts girl!:)
