Saturday, March 24, 2012

You Know You Live in the Country When...

{A compile of *some* my experiences as a Farm Girl}

...You can't listen to the radio because you don't get reception {Or at least you are very limited to a *few* stations and it depends on the day...}

...You go to bake cookies and as you crack an egg, look down horrified, realizing that you miscalculated the hatching of your hen's eggs. Because inside the egg was a fetus. {Yeah, seriously this was a life-changing experience for me...but at least it wasn't too devoloped yet....I don't crack eggs the same way again. :)}

... Instead of taking your dog for a walk, you take your mini horse.

...You go on an early morning jog down your driveway and come face to face with a Cougar. {This actually happened to my dad, and he doesn't go for early morning jogs anymore. :P}

...The repairman calls to see how much snow we have before coming out to fix our water filters.

...You bring a ton of water bottles wherever you go because city water makes you gag. {So gross...nothing like pure well-water}

... The reason you are late to a Bible study was because one of your horses broke the electric fence and you have to repair it.

... Your dream car is an old {teal!} Pickup.

...You are in the middle of working with your rescue horse when the UPS guy comes and freaks her out. You are trying to gain control of her and the guy's asking you "Where do want me to put the package?" {Yeah, this was...interesting to say the least...}

...You are playing with the new barn kittens and the UPS guy comes up behind you and taps you on the shoulder, handing you a package. {I don't know what it is with the UPS guys..geesh! But this time he freaked me out! :P}

...Every possible machine breaks. {I'm not kidding..from chainsaws, to riding lawnmowers to weed wackers...they all break!}

...You wake up to a real rooster.

...You open the refridgerator to get an egg so you can bake something delicious only to find there's none left. But you go out to the coop and pray there's at least one..and there is!! {That's the best feeling...:)}

...After a hard day's work you take a swim in the creek that runs through your property. {The best thing ever!}

...You innertube and raft in your creek....oh and the waterfights!

...When asked what's been happening in your life you reply "Oh, a chicken died the other day and the shop's flooded again..." :)

...You take a shower and then a blackout happens. {Unfortunately this has happened numerous times to me...}

...Your {small, small} town's Christmas display contains a motorcyclist Santa and logging gear. {True story}

...Your town is contained of two saloons, a gas station, a market, a little espresso, and a hardware store. {That's it people.}

...Traffic noise is mostly cars of residents that live across the creek and logging trucks.

...Your town's main attraction is a logging show. {It actually gets a lot of people...more than you think :)}

...You go to the store, you plan on being gone half the day.

...You love it and hate it at the same time. {Yep...sometimes I hate it but really, I wouldn't trade any of it...the good the bad and the ugly, because it's shaped me into who I am today. And so, there you have it...a *little* glimpse into the humor that goes on out here. :P}


  1. This is how life is on my farm too but with some SLIGHT differances!:)
    We have a guard dog and when I say guard dog I mean GUARD DOG! So the UPS guy ain't gonna be tappin' me behind the shoulder any day! Not with Roxie around!:P

  2. oh my gosh i love this post i keep reading it over and over again bc it's just so....funny yet interesting!:)
